Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Hello Everyone!
After a very long hiatus, I am back with fresh new attitude and a willingness to get back on track and shed this damn weight for good! More important, I am really wanting to eat healthier, BE heathier.
Somehow during the summer of 2010 I just gave up... on a whole lot of things. I'm not sure how I lost "me" but I think I've found myself again. I cannot believe that my weight is up to 187 pounds. Never in my life did I ever imagine I would EVER weight this much. It blows my mind that I've carried this weight around this past year and that I weight more than I weighed at the time I gave birth to my son 12 years ago. My full term weight was 171.
In January of 2011 I had made a "come back" video and was up to 177 pounds. I thought that was the highest I would ever get. I didn't follow up with videos, I wasn't really ready at that time to commit to a healthy lifestyle or to anything for that matter. Once I stopped making videos, I started gaining weight. When I started this journey on YouTube in 2009 I never dreamed that it would be the tool to my success. Without that accountability I was lost. I have no support at home from family or friends, no one else I know is overweight. My YouTube friends are the only ones I can really relate to and they have been my backbone. I am so thankful for each and every one of them.
I'm so glad that I've come back to this blog and making videos. I'm not a quitter. A procrastinator, yes, but not a quitter. So, onwards and upwards my friends!